
Repositório da APTA Regional

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Submissões Recentes

Energia metabolizável de ingredientes protéicos determinada pelo método de coleta total e por equações de predição
(2004) Zonta, Márcia Cristina de Mello; Rodrigues, Paulo Borges; Zonta, Augusto; Freitas, Rilke Tadeu Fonseca de; Bertechini, Antonio Gilberto; Fialho, Elias Tadeu; Pereira, Carlos Ribeiro
A metabolism assay were carried out with broilers in growth phase (traditional method of total collection of excreta) to determinate the nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) of some feedstuffs, as well as the determination of the energy values by prediction equations published in the national and international pappers. It was determined AMEn of eight fedstuffs, five soybean meal samples and three processed full fat samples (extruded, toasted and micronized). The estimated values were compared with observed, using the Spearman correlation and confidence intervals obtained by the metabolic assay. The energy values of soybean meals samples (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), full fat soybean extruded, toasted and micronized were 2601, 2650, 2727, 2500, 2426, 3674, 3609, 4296 kcal/kg DM, respectively. Among the studied equations, the AMEn = -822,33 + 69,54CP - 45,26ADF + 90,81EE and AMEn = 2723,05 - 50,52ADF + 60,40EE equation correlated (P<0,05) with AMEn mean value observed in vivo, estimating the largest number of energy values inside of calculated confidence intervals. The equation AMEn = 37,5CP + 46,39EE + 14,9NFE estimated all the samples of soybean meal, as well the equation AMEn = 1822,76 - 99,32CF + 60,50EE + 286,73ash - 52,26starch was good for full fat soybean samples, both equations was correlated (P<0,05). The results obtained in this assay, allow us to conclude that the equation AMEn = -822,33 + 69,54CP - 45,26ADF + 90,81EE and AMEn = 2723,05 - 50,52ADF + 60,40EE shoud be used to predict AMEn values of the studied feedstuffs. The equation AMEn = 37,5CP + 46,39EE + 14,9NFE is more indicated for predict the energy values of soybean meals. Um ensaio metabólico com pintos em crescimento (método tradicional de coleta total de excretas) foi conduzido para determinar a energia metabolizável aparente corrigida (EMAn) de alguns alimentos, bem como a determinação dessa energia por equações de predição descritas na literatura. Determinou-se a EMAn de oito alimentos, sendo cinco amostras de farelos de soja de diferentes marcas comerciais e três amostras de soja integral (extrusada, tostada e micronizada). Os valores estimados pelas equações de predição foram comparados com os observados, utilizando-se a correlação de Spearman e intervalos de confiança obtidos a partir dos valores de EMAn determinados no ensaio metabólico. Os valores energéticos das amostras de farelos de soja 1, 2, 3, 4, e 5, sojas integrais extrusada, tostada e micronizada foram 2601, 2650, 2727, 2500, 2426, 3674, 3609, 4296 kcal/kg de MS, respectivamente, para a EMAn determinada com frangos de corte no ensaio metabólico. Entre as equações estudadas, as equações EMAn = -822,33 + 69,54PB - 45,26FDA + 90,81EE e EMAn = 2723,05 - 50,52FDA + 60,40EE foram as que mais se correlacionaram (P<0,05) com o valor médio de EMAn observada in vivo, além de estimarem o maior número de valores energéticos dentro do intervalo de confiança calculado. A equação EMAn = 37,5PB + 46,39EE + 14,9ENN estimou todas as amostras de farelos de soja, como também a equação EMAn = 1822,76 - 99,32FB + 60,50EE + 286,73MM - 52,26AMIDO fez boas predições para as amostras soja integral, ambas correlacionadas positivamente (P<0,05). Diante dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que as equações EMAn = - 822,33 + 69,54PB - 45,26FDA + 90,81EE e EMAn = 2723,05 - 50,52FDA + 60,40EE são as mais indicadas para predizer valores de EMAn dos alimentos estudados e a equação EMAn = 37,5PB + 46,39EE + 14,9ENN é a mais indicada para predizer os valores energéticos dos farelos de soja.
Caracterização de uma nova estirpe do Tomato mosaic virus isolada de tomateiro no Estado de São Paulo
(2003) Moreira, Silvia R.; Eiras, Marcelo; Chaves, Alexandre L.R.; Galleti, Silvia R.; Colariccio, Addolorata
Tomato (Lycoporsicon esculentum) plants 'Santa Clara' from the city of Guaratinguetá in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, show typical virus symptoms in this study. The evaluation was carried out by using indicator plants and differential tomato genotypes with resistance factors of Tm-1, Tm-2 and Tm-2² ; virus stability in sap; purification; and negative staining, PTA-ELISA and ISEM. The isolates infected plants from several species of Amaranthaceae, Chenopodiaceae and Solanaceae. Chenopodium amaranticolor plants reacted with local and systemic symptoms; Nicotiana sylvestris and N. rustica reacted with local lesions and the tomato Tm-2 showed immunity. Rod-shaped particles about 300 nm were observed in negatively stained preparations. The isolate reacted against Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) and Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) antisera. Based on host plants, the isolate was identified as tToMV and by the tomato genotype response, but it could be not identified as the 0 or I ToMV strain. In order to confirm the identity of the virus, RT-PCR was performed with specific primers for the tobamovirus coat protein gene and the amplified DNA was cloned and sequenced. The nucleotides and deduced aminoacids showed 85 and 91% similarity when compared to ToMV sequences, 75 and 83% similarity with those of TMV, and 67 and 72%, with Odontoglossun ringspot virus (ORSV). For other tobamovirus species, the similarity values were lower than 65%. The virus was confirmed as a new ToMV strain. Um vírus isolado em Guaratinguetá, SP, de tomateiro (Lycoporsicon esculentum) 'Santa Clara' com sintomas característicos de virose, foi estudado por meio de plantas indicadoras e de hospedeiras diferenciais pertencentes a linhagens homozigotas de tomateiro, ensaios de estabilidade in vitro, purificação, contrastação negativa, testes sorológicos de ELISA-PTA e imunomicroscopia eletrônica, utilizando-se anti-soros contra diferentes vírus do gênero Tobamovirus. O isolado infetou plantas de espécies de amarantáceas, quenopodiáceas e solanáceas. Plantas de Chenopodium amaranticolor reagiram com sintomas locais e sistêmicos; Nicotiana sylvestris e N. rustica reagiram com lesões locais e a linhagem homozigota de tomateiro Tm-2 mostrou-se imune ao vírus. Nas preparações purificadas de contrastação negativa, foram observadas partículas rígidas e alongadas com cerca de 300 nm. O isolado foi identificado como um tobamovírus, com anti-soros contra o Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) e Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). As hospedeiras diferenciais indicaram se tratar de ToMV. Por meio de RT-PCR, com oligonucleotídeos para o gene da capa protéica de espécies do gênero Tobamovirus do subgrupo 1, amplificaram-se fragmentos com 850 pb que foram clonados e seqüenciados. A similaridade de nucleotídeos e aminoácidos deduzidos variou entre 85 e 91% quando a seqüência do ToMV-SP foi comparada com outras sequências de ToMV, 75 e 83% quando comparada com as do TMV e 67 e 72% quando comparada com a do Odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV). As comparações com outras espécies de tobamovírus apresentaram valores de similaridade inferiores a 65%. Confirmou-se a identidade dos vírus como sendo uma nova estirpe do ToMV.
Caracterização de um isolado do Pepper mild mottle virus que não quebra a resistência do gene L3 em Capsicum sp.
(2004) Eiras, Marcelo; Chaves, Alexandre L. R.; Moreira, Silvia R.; Araujo, Jansen de; Colariccio, Addolorata
A strain of Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) was identified by biological and serological analysis of pepper (Capsicum baccatum) 'Dedo de Moça' seeds from São Paulo, SP, Brazil. To confirm these results, RT-PCR was performed with specific primers flanking the coat protein (CP) ORF of tobamoviruses in subgroup 1. The DNA-amplified fragments, when sequenced and compared with other tobamovirus CP sequences stored in the GenBank, showed nucleotide similarity between 94 to 100% with other PMMoV CP sequences, and below 75% with the subgroup I tobamovirus species (Tobacco mosaic virus, Tomato mosaic virus and Odontoglossum ringspot virus) and 65% with species in the subgroups II and III. The Brazilian isolate showed 100% identity with a Japanese isolate, strongly suggesting that this pathogen could have been introduced from that country. This fact confirms the importance of the isolate's characterization, in order to establish adequate control measures to guarantee healthy seed interchange and to avoid the introduction and spread of tobamoviruses into new growing areas. The deduced CP aminoacids sequence showed that the PMMoV-BR was not capable to overcome L3 gene resistance. This fact was confirmed by the inoculation and reaction of differential Capsicum species. The Brazilian isolate was not able to infect C. chinense (L3) and C. chacoense (L4). Sementes de pimenta (Capsicum baccatum) 'Dedo de Moça' destinadas ao plantio comercial e adquiridas no município de São Paulo, SP, analisadas quanto à presença de vírus, por meio de testes biológicos e sorológicos revelaram-se infetadas por uma estirpe do Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV). Para confirmar a identidade do isolado, promoveu-se a RT-PCR com oligonucleotídeos que flanqueiam a ORF da capa protéica de espécies do gênero Tobamovirus do subgrupo 1. Os fragmentos de DNA amplificados, quando seqüenciados e comparados com outros isolados de tobamovírus depositados no GenBank, apresentaram valores de identidade de nucleotídeos entre 94 e 100% com outras seqüências de PMMoV, inferiores a 75% para as demais espécies de tobamovírus do subgrupo I (Tobacco mosaic virus, Tomato mosaic virus e Odontoglossum ringspot virus) e 65% para os tobamovírus dos subgrupos II e III. O PMMoV-BR revelou 100% de identidade com isolados japoneses, sugerindo que este patógeno pode ter sido introduzido daquele país. A seqüência de aminoácidos deduzidos da capa protéica indicou também, que este isolado não é capaz de quebrar a resistência do gene L3 de Capsicum spp. Fato confirmado pelos sintomas causados nas hospedeiras diferenciais de Capsicum spp., verificando-se que este isolado não foi capaz de infetar plantas de C. chinense (L3) e C. chacoense (L4). Estes resultados confirmaram a importância da caracterização dos isolados de tobamovírus, fundamental para adequação de medidas de controle, principalmente, prevenindo a entrada e posterior disseminação do patógeno em novas áreas de cultivo.
Mechanical behavior of 'Niagara Rosada' grape berry detachment
(FapUNIFESP (SciELO), 2011-12) Gomes, Daniel; Ferraz, Antonio C. de O
The 'Niagara Rosada' grape is the main Brazilian table grape belonging to the Labrusca family. It develops medium, cylindrical and compact bunches with berries presenting a pinkish skin and a foxy flavor that is valued in the Brazilian market. These berries are tender and have a pedicel-berry connection provided by the vascular bundles and surrounding skin. This cultivar is very susceptible to berry drop mainly caused by vibration and senescence. The objective of this study was to evaluate the temporal mechanical behavior of the pedicel-berry detachment, using resistance indexes extracted from traction force-deformation curves. Test results showed two different detachment types. In the first one, which exhibited higher average resistance, a considerable portion of the vascular bundle came out attached to the pedicel and in the second type; the vascular bundle was retained inside the berry. The proposed indexes based on maximum detachment force, force at 0.2; 0.5; 1.0 and 1.2 mm, and maximum force to corresponding deformation ratio did not discriminate the senescence of the berry.
Characterization and immunomodulatory effects of glucans from Pleurotus albidus, a promising species of mushroom for farming and biomass production
(Elsevier BV, 2017-02) Castro-Alves, Victor Costa; Gomes, Daniel; Menolli, Nelson; Sforça, Maurício Luís; Nascimento, João Roberto Oliveira do
Polysaccharides from a number of mushroom species are recognized as functional food ingredients with potential health benefits, including immunomodulatory effects. In this study, polysaccharides extracted from the basidiome with cold water (BaCW), hot water (BaHW), and hot alkali (BaHA) solution, and exo- (MyEX) and endopolysaccharides (MyEN) from the submerged culture of Pleurotus albidus, a promising species for farming and biomass production, were analyzed for their chemical composition and structure and immunomodulatory effects on macrophages. Compositional (HPAEC-PAD and HPSEC-RID/MWD) and structural (FT-IR, 1D- and 2D-NMR) analyses identified BaCW and MyEX as β-(1,6)-branched β-(1,3)-glucans, BaHW and MyEN as α-(1,3)-(1,2)-branched α-(1,6)-glucans, and BaHA as a mixture of α-(1,6)- and β-(1,3)-glucans. BaCW and MyEX stimulated the production of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and nitric oxide (NO), but not interleukin-6 (IL-6), and decreased phagocytosis of zymosan particles. In contrast, BaHW and MyEN induced TNF-α, NO and IL-6 production, and increased zymosan phagocytosis, while BaHA displayed intermediary effects in comparison the other polysaccharides. In conclusion, the basidiome and the submerged culture of P. albidus are sources of easily extractable α- and β-glucans with potential immunomodulatory effects.