Caierão, EduardoCastro, Ricardo Lima deScheeren, Pedro LuizEichelberger, LuizPires, João Leonardo FernandesGuarienti, Eliana MariaMiranda, Martha Zavariz deLau, DouglasSantana, Flavio MartinsCostamilan, LeilaLima, Maria ImaculadaCunha, Gilberto Rocca daNascimento Junior, Alfredo do2024-05-172024-05-1720221984-7033S1984-70332022000400301-scl10.1590/1984-70332022v22n4c40 BRS TR271 is a new wheat cultivar released by Embrapa for Brazilian wheat-growing regions 1 and 2 of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and Paraná. It has high grain yield potential and a super-early cycle. It is widely adapted and is classified as bread wheat.Triticum aestivumwheat-growing regionbread makingBRS TR271 - a high grain yield and super-early wheat cultivarArtigos