Chiorato, Alisson FernandoCarbonell, Sérgio Augusto MoraisCarvalho, Cassia Regina LimontaBarros, Vera Lucia Nishijima Paes deBorges, Wander Luis BarbosaTicelli, MarceloGallo, Paulo BollerFinoto, Everton LuisSantos, Neli Cristina Belmiro dos2024-05-222024-05-2220121984-7033S1984-70332012000400012-scl the state of São Paulo, common bean is an important crop and the Agronomic Institute (Instituto Agronômico - IAC) registered the "carioca" (beige with brown stripes) bean cultivar IAC Imperador in the MAPA/RNC, exhibiting mean yield of 2,266 kg/ha in the 17 environments evaluated, a 75-day cycle, resistance to soil diseases and high quality seeds.Phaseolus vulgaris L.common beanyieldgenetic breeding'IAC IMPERADOR': early maturity "carioca" bean cultivarArtigos